The following list represents a basic outline of the services we offer. No matter how unique your project's needs may be we can provide the Land Surveying service to match it in a reliable efficient manner.
We can provide your Certificate in less than one week (In most cases). Digital copies can be emailed to your insurance agent along with hard copies.
Pay for one step at a time. A reasonable fee to determine if you are eligible. Then if you are eligible a smaller fee to prepare the application.
Also known as an "A2" Survey or a "Plot Plan".
Plan and depict your proposed addition or deck, etc., with an accurate survey, certified to the State of Connecticut "A2" standard. Quick turn around time so you can get your applications submitted in a timely manner.
Have your property lines marked with steel bars driven in at the corners and galvanized spikes set along the lines. "Good fences make good neighbors". - Robert Frost
We can depict your commercial or residential project with topography, drainage, existing and proposed features, working in concert with your Architect or Civil Engineering firm sharing and merging drawings.
Offset stakes for excavation or construction of foundations. Footings pinned for accurate set up of foundation forms. Bench marks set.
All aspects of site layout work including steel work.
Fully Insured
Professional & Reliable
Serving the community for over 15 years.
David E. Wilson L.S.
109A Fiddler Green Rd.
Stratford CT, 06614
Or use our CONTACT FORM.